Local fitness and fundraising enhance our cancer care

This fall, fitness is making an important impact on cancer care in our region. Cyndy McLean is launching her fundraiser, 10x21: Cycling 4 Chemo Chairs, to raise money for new chemotherapy chairs at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, while the UW WELL-FIT cancer exercise programs help patients improve their fitness during and after cancer treatment — two initiatives that would not be possible without the generous support of our communities.

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Handcycling fundraiser for new chemo chairs celebrates cancer care close to home

Care close to home, comfortable chemo chairs, and connection with others can make a big difference for those undergoing cancer treatment — all things Cyndy McLean understands well from firsthand experience. And that’s exactly what she hopes her upcoming fundraiser, 10x21: Cycling 4 Chemo Chairs, will help bring to those in our communities who’ve had a cancer experience of their own.

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Advancing prostate cancer research one ride at a time

Advancing prostate cancer research one ride at a time

Donors and supporters, like you, play a key role in advancing research and innovation. By generously raising funds for the Hospital, you make it possible for our team members to conduct research projects with the aim of ultimately improving treatment and care for the thousands of people in our communities who come to our Hospital for care every year.

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Gateway Painting brightens the Hospital’s mental health unit ...and patients’ days!

Gateway Painting brightens the Hospital’s mental health unit ...and patients’ days!

When you think about supporting your local hospital, you might think about giving a donation or joining the hospital’s volunteer program. But the team from Gateway Painting recently did something just a little different for our patients and team members. They visited Grand River Hospital to brighten one of the mental health care units with a fresh coat of paint as a part of the Gateway Gives Back program.

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A local police officer shares his story in support of stroke care

A local police officer shares his story in support of stroke care

As a 32-year-old police officer just beginning his career, Jaan never expected to experience a health emergency. But on New Year’s day 2019, while bringing a patient to Grand River Hospital while on duty, Jaan had a stroke in the emergency room and was rushed to Hamilton General Hospital to remove the clot.

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We've got you covered during your next hospital visit

We've got you covered during your next hospital visit

Going to the Hospital can be stressful or scary, and if you or someone you love is visiting the emergency department, we know there are likely a few things you may have left at home. That’s why our new vending machine is stocked with all the essentials to make your hospital experience just a little bit better.

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Uzun Family

Uzun Family

We’re Tayfun and Steph of Waterloo Region. As graduates of the University of Waterloo, we've seen our city evolve and thrive over the years. Today,...

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Beauty for Hope campaign rallies support for local breast cancer care

Beauty for Hope campaign rallies support for local breast cancer care

When a cancer diagnosis touches someone’s life, everything changes. Life almost stands still. And eventually, it can inspire us to give back. That was the experience for Dr. Brace and his team at Guelph Facial Plastics, who rallied six local clinics in support of breast cancer care at Grand River Hospital this past fall. 

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A new era in medical imaging: Grand River Hospital unveils a state-of-the-art nuclear medicine suite

In a landmark moment for cutting-edge healthcare in our communities, Grand River Hospital is proud to announce the opening of a new nuclear medicine suite along with newly renovated facilities across our medical imaging program. This project has been years in the making. At the heart of this extensive renovation project is the state-of-the-art nuclear medicine suite and a brand new, second MRI machine, to improve access to diagnostic care for our communities. This work is a testament to the hospital's commitment to providing the latest advancements in diagnostic imaging to our patients.

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